From Sea To Shining Sea, Legal Professionals Behaving Badly
Fortunately, it is impossible to roll your eyes so far back in your head that they get stuck.
Fortunately, it is impossible to roll your eyes so far back in your head that they get stuck.
Will the clueless will ever understand that a conference is not a sex-themed Disneyland ticket?
Updates to the award-winning case management software empower lawyers to focus on the most important tasks.
Every reputationally challenged lawyer adds to the stain on the profession.
A tale slightly older than time ...
Collecting on that judgment after all avenues of appeal have been exhausted is a journey all its own.
* This may come as a shock, but new study suggests the public defender system is overburdened. Who could have known other than anyone who listened to public defenders for the last 50 years? [ABA Journal] * Cleta Mitchell missed out on indictment, but the disgraced former Foley & Lardner lawyer is still leading the election denial movement. So maybe it's more fair to say she's escaped indictment so far. [The Intercept] * For a guy with a Real Housewives pedigree, Tom Girardi does not understand a hot mic. [Law360] * Wachtell still trying to get its Twitter money. [American Lawyer] * Court papers can now "slide into your DMs," proving Twitter really can get worse. [Legaltech News] * Law firms line up to advise clients on maintaining productive and often client- and investor-demanded diversity programs in the face of activist lawsuits. While other firms cower in fear. [Reuters] * DISCO chief's departure causes shares to take a tumble. What's next for Kiwi Camara? If history is any guide, maybe a company called "Hair Metal." [Bloomberg Law News]
Join us on March 26th for this CLE-eligible webinar led by Claude Ducloux where he'll dive into the strategic implications of adapting ethical practices to a distributed environment.
Much like the horizon, the end of the tale of Tom Girardi continues to recede as we approach it.
Tom Girardi had to ruin it for everybody.
Are you finding a disconnect between what the California State Bar says and what it does?
It is left as an exercise for the student to imagine what Tom Girardi's yearly performance review would look like.
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.
* Law firms don't appreciate associates building their own brand through social media. Because "professional development" only flows one direction. [Legal Intelligencer] * Hunter Biden seems to have found lawyers who are aware that ripping private data off a computer is generally a crime. [Washington Post] * Real Criminal Defendants Of Beverly Hills. [Reuters] * Andrew Tate's got a new lawyer. He's probably mansplaining how the law works to her right now. [Rolling Stone] * Supreme Court considers whether algorithms might evade the spirit of internet laws. [The Atlantic]
Would any other lawyer have gotten away with this?
Legal ethics (and the lack thereof) in La La Land.
There’s no question that some of these private judges will be wiping off reputational mud based on what’s been revealed in the Girardi investigation.
A day without a benchslap is like a kiss without a hug.